Recent Crypto Market Crash: Time To BUY The Altcoin Dip?

Gain Gain Crypto
6 min readApr 15, 2024

The recent days in the cryptocurrency market have been marked by a significant downturn, with Bitcoin experiencing a sharp decline from a local peak of $73,000 down to a liquidation trough at $59,750. This event, though sudden for many, was not entirely unexpected for those closely monitoring market signals.

The Impact on Altcoins

As many predicted, the downturn in Bitcoin’s value had a cascading effect on the altcoin market. Altcoins, which often act as higher beta assets relative to Bitcoin, experienced severe losses. This highlights a crucial aspect of cryptocurrency investment: diversification and risk management are key, particularly for those holding a significant proportion of altcoins.

Market Reaction and the Role of Leverage

The depth of the crash was intensified by widespread liquidations. Many traders, especially those using high leverage, found themselves in a forced sell position as their margin levels were no longer sufficient to cover their positions. This led to a rapid sell-off, which temporarily pushed prices even lower than the $59k target.

The aftermath saw numerous posts on social media from traders who had their accounts wiped out, serving as a grim reminder of the dangers associated with high leverage in volatile markets. For those sitting primarily in spot positions, the event, while unsettling, did not result in direct losses from liquidations, underscoring the value of caution in leverage usage.

A Precedent for Future Strategy

This recent market event underscores several vital strategies for cryptocurrency investors:

  • Preparation and Anticipation: Being prepared for significant market movements by setting up strategic entry and exit points can help capitalize on volatility rather than fall victim to it.
  • De-risking at the Right Time: The concept of de-risking before a major downturn can preserve capital that can be reinvested at lower prices.
  • Emotional Resilience in Trading: The ability to execute a trading plan without letting emotions sway decision-making is crucial, particularly in high-stress scenarios.

Trigger Points for the Crash

The crash was not merely a random event but was triggered by a combination of factors that culminated in a rapid sell-off. These include:

  • Global Market Influence: As the traditional markets began to show signs of strain, with equity sell-offs becoming more prevalent and gold premiums increasing, the sentiment spilled over into the cryptocurrency market. Investors often treat crypto as one of the riskier asset classes. In times of global uncertainty, such as geopolitical tensions or economic downturns, the knee-jerk reaction is to liquidate volatile assets in favor of safer havens.
  • Shift Toward Safety: During periods of market uncertainty, there’s a notable flight to safety among investors. Crypto, being perceived as risky, often sees significant sell-offs. Investors tend to liquidate what they perceive as the most volatile parts of their portfolio first. Thus, speculative altcoins and even major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin experience sharp declines.

Market Psychology and Investor Behavior

The behavior of investors during the crash also highlighted typical market psychology dynamics:

  • Risk Assessment and Management: Investors typically reassess their portfolios during market downturns, prioritizing stability over potential high returns. This often results in the selling off of assets considered high risk, such as altcoins and newly emerging crypto sectors like those driven by artificial intelligence. These assets usually suffer the most in a crash but also offer substantial recovery potential once market conditions stabilize.
  • Emotional Trading Decisions: The fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) that accompany market downturns can lead to panic selling. This emotional response exacerbates the market’s volatility and can lead to steeper declines. For the seasoned investor, these moments, though uncomfortable, are often seen as opportunities to buy into the market at lows that might not be available under normal circumstances.

The Ripple Effect on Altcoins

Altcoins, typically more volatile than Bitcoin, felt the crash’s impact even more severely. This phenomenon is partly because these assets are often seen as the first expendable items in a portfolio when market conditions sour. The speculative nature of many altcoins, coupled with their sometimes less liquid markets, makes them particularly susceptible to dramatic price drops in bearish conditions.

However, this also sets the stage for a robust recovery. Altcoins that have dropped significantly can potentially offer higher returns as the market recovers, owing to the greater ground they have to make up. This aspect of crypto investing requires a strong risk tolerance and an even stronger investment strategy, as timing the market recovery can be as challenging as facing the downturn.

Strategic Considerations and Moving Forward

The recent crash serves as a critical reminder of the importance of having a clear and well-thought-out investment strategy. Key lessons include:

  • The Importance of Execution: Having a plan and sticking to it is crucial. Adjusting your strategy in response to market shifts without succumbing to panic can prevent further losses and position you for potential gains.
  • Emotional Resilience: Staying rational and not letting fear dictate your actions is essential. Buying during a dip can be psychologically difficult but financially rewarding if done based on sound analysis and not impulsive fear.
  • Preparation for Volatility: Cryptocurrency investors should always be prepared for volatility. Setting limit orders at anticipated support levels, as I did at $59k for Bitcoin, can allow one to capitalize on automatic executions without having to monitor the market constantly.

Is It Time to Buy Altcoins?

Market Timing and Strategic Entry

First and foremost, it’s important to emphasize that there is no need to rush into buying altcoins, especially not immediately following a major dip. Market conditions on weekends can be particularly unpredictable due to lower trading volumes and the closure of traditional markets. This can delay the reaction of the cryptocurrency market to news and global events, making it harder to predict short-term movements.

During the recent crash, I had some bids that were filled due to the major liquidations, which allowed me to acquire some altcoins that appeared to be oversold. This approach was part of a pre-planned strategy to take advantage of significant market dips using funds I had set aside specifically for such opportunities — often referred to as “dry powder.”

The Importance of a Measured Approach

It’s crucial for investors to maintain discipline and not deviate from their investment strategy hastily. Changing your investment approach in reaction to minor market fluctuations can lead to poor decision-making influenced by emotional trading. The philosophy of “buying extreme fear and selling extreme greed” can serve investors well if applied consistently and judiciously.

Waiting for a Confirmed Reversal

For those with less capital or who are more cautious about their investment approach, waiting for a confirmed market reversal before making significant purchases might be advisable. This tactic involves observing the altcoin markets for signs that the prices have not only stopped falling but have begun to establish a pattern of recovery. A confirmed reversal could be indicated by an altcoin setting higher lows and breaking past previous local highs, which can signal a strong entry point for investors.

Utilizing Technical Analysis

Technical analysis can provide valuable insights into when might be an optimal time to enter the market. For example, monitoring charts to identify where a coin repeatedly tests and holds a particular price level — without breaking lower — can suggest a strong support level. Buying at these levels, assuming they hold, can minimize risks associated with entering a position during volatile market phases.

Implementing Risk Management

Risk management is another critical aspect of deciding when and how much to invest in altcoins. Investors should consider their overall risk tolerance and how much of their portfolio they are willing to expose to highly volatile assets. Those with a higher risk tolerance might choose to buy incrementally during downturns, while more conservative investors might wait until the market shows more definitive signs of recovery.

Final Thoughts

while the current market conditions might tempt many to start buying up altcoins, it’s essential to approach such decisions with caution and strategy. By waiting for a confirmed reversal, employing technical analysis, and adhering to a disciplined investment strategy, investors can better navigate the uncertainties of the cryptocurrency market. The key is to balance the desire to take advantage of lower prices with the need to protect against potential further declines. As always, it’s not just about choosing the right assets but also about timing the market to maximize returns and minimize risks.



Gain Gain Crypto

Cryptocurrency Enthusiast & Blockchain Advocate, Founder of "". DeFi yield farming building up passive income. Altcoin news.